
This page provides links to sites for downloading free software that you will need for this course. Please be sure that:

Link addresses are subject to change. Please contact your webmasters if you find that any have changed.


Web Browser - software for using the Internet for viewing the World Wide Web and using other Internet features. If the first browser listed requires more disk space or memory than you have available, try the second one listed. Note - Navigator is free for educational uses.

Netscape Navigator 4.0 Standalone version

Netscape Navigator 3.01

more information

Email - electronic mail

Qualcomm Eudora Light



how it works

Portable Document Format - PDF - large documents can be downloaded rapidly

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Multimedia - fast downloading of audio and video media

Important - read the features and notes before downloading, especially about platform compatibility. After setup, change the number of colors in your display (computer screen) as specified. A 28.8k modem or greater is recommended.

Progressive Networks Real Player

how it works


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SDSU Interwork Institute
HESC 110: Disability and Society
Last updated: Wednesday, December 17, 1997 20:54:39 +0000GMT


More information


Due to potential problems with Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) 4.0, your webmasters cannot recommend its use at this time. If you are using a previous version of MSIE, you might choose to continue using it.

An article comparing the 4.0 versions of Netscape Communicator (which includes Navigator) and MSIE is in the December 1997 issue of PC World.






Chat - ICQ

The ICQ chat works by [to be added here in 1998].....

For more information about ICQ, go to the ICQ home page.

To chat with your fellow students, click the Chat link:







Real Player

The Real Player allows you to quickly download audio, video, and animation programs, using streaming audio and streaming video technologies. When you listen to or view course material that is compatible with Real Player, you just click the icon for the material, and it will automatically run it on your Real Player. You can also set up your player to receive live and precorded newscasts and other programs. Live and prerecorded concerts and conventions are other applications.


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SDSU Interwork Institute
HESC 110: Disability and Society
Last updated: Wednesday, December 17, 1997 20:54:39 +0000GMT