Disability & SocietySDSU Interwork Institute HESC 110

Help Help This course explores the range of human experience, with a focus on individuals with disabilities, attitudes towards individuals with disabilities, the relationships between societal institutions and needs of persons with disabilities, and historical responses to these needs.

Current research and contemporary issues will be examined with particular emphasis on normalization, integration and community living.

Course Goals

  • To explore the myths and stereotypes surrounding individuals with disabilities
  • To increase awareness about opportunities for individuals with disabilities
  • To understand the historical and contemporary issues shaping the lives of individuals with disabilties
  • To use the Internet as a resource and a tool

Instructor: Mari Guillermo, M. S.
SDSU: 5850 Hardy Ave., Suite 112
San Diego, CA 92182
(619) 594-2462/ FAX (619) 594-4208

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Page authors: Chuck Elliot and Kendra Sheldon
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~chuck77/interwork/home.htm
Last updated: Thursday, May 30, 2002 22:14:37 -0700GMT