In 1997, I took a course called Instructional Multimedia - Software - Computer-Based Instruction from Prof. Brock Allen.
This project falls under both Instructional Multimedia and Computer Based Instruction. We started with a classic short film, Powers of Ten, and then "interactivated" or added more information to make it more instructional. Then it became computer-based instruction with instructional frames and computer-managed feedback - textual, video clips, and audio.
Presented here are my preliminary draft which includes graphics that were inserted into the original Word document. They all worked for the web except for the large DNA graphic that was linked, not inserted. This image can be viewed with the Apple QuickTime viewer. [The dna.pic may not work for all browsers.]
For the rough draft, the graphics, including flowchart and frames, did not work in the conversion to web format. I decided to use the original text and graphics version, which is in an .RTF format and requires Microsoft Word for viewing. This is a large file - more than 300kb - and may not work for all browsers.