671 Proj.1 - Chuck’s = 3-5, 11-16 --need movie frame counter #s for Screen 15; arrows for screens
that I drew Screen Three
Screen Three Display
1. Screen Background: Black
2. Screen Banner Title:
a. Title: Introduction
3. Digital Movie:
a. File Name: "Intro.mov"
b. Length of Movie File: 30 seconds
c. Screen Location: 213, 163
Screen Four
Screen Four Display
1. Screen Background: Black
2. Screen Banner Title:
a. Title: Powers of 10 - Definition
a. File Name: "frog.pic"
b. Screen location: 64, 30
c. File Size: 6k
4. Text Box:
a. Screen Location: 384, 30
b. State text: A frog is about 1 foot across.
a. File Name: "boy&his.pic"
b. Screen location: same
c. File Size: 6k
6. Text Box:
a. Screen Location: same
b. State text: This scene is about 10 feet across. It’s about 10 times wider than the frog.
a. File Name: "trex.pic"
b. Screen location: same
c. File Size: 9k
8. Text Box:
a. Screen Location: same
b. State text: A T-Rex is about 100 feet long. It is about 10 times bigger than the scene of the boy and his dog. The T-Rex is about 100 times bigger than the frog.
Screen Five
Screen |
Title |
Video |
Screen Five Display
1. Screen Background: Black
2. Screen Banner Title:
a. Title: Journey - Part 1
3. Text Box:
a. Screen Location: 384, 30
b. State text: We start our journey through the powers of 10 with a picnic scene that is one meter wide. We will get bigger until we reach 102 meters wide.
4. Digital Movie:
File Name: "Powerof10.cp"
from 15 seconds frame 0 to 35 seconds frame 40
b. Length of Movie File: 20 seconds 40 frames
c. Screen Location: 64, 30
-----next is 11 to 16---
Screen Eleven
Screen |
Title |
Video |
Screen Eleven Display
1. Screen Background: Black
2. Screen Banner Title:
a. Title: Journey - Part 5
3. Text Box:
a. Screen Location: same
b. State text: We now reverse our journey through the powers of 10 from intergalactic space.
4. Digital Movie:
File Name: "Powerof10.cp"
from 1 minute 30 seconds frame 20
to 1 minute 40 seconds frame 40
b. Length of Movie File: 10 seconds 20 frames
c. Screen Location: same
Screen Twelve
Screen Title |
Multiple Choice Question |
Multiple Choice Question |
a b c
Screen Twelve Display
1. Screen Background: White
2. Screen Banner Title:
a. Title: Quiz
3. Question box:
a. Screen Location of multiple choice question box: 160, 30
b. Title of Question Box: Question 1
c. Text Box Frame: yes
4. Answer Buttons:
a. Screen location of:
Answer Button 1: 200, 240
Answer Button 2: 200, 280
Answer Button 3: 200, 320
b. States and File Names:
Answer Button 1: enabled
Answer Button 2: enabled
Answer Button 3: enabled
c. Correct Answer Button - on Mouse Down: Feedback
d. Correct Dialog box: (Describe the appearance and location of dialog box, if the same for all questions.)
Dialog Box Location:
e. Incorrect Button - on Mouse Down: Feedback
f. Incorrect Dialog box: (Describe the appearance and location of dialog box, if the same for all questions.)
Dialog Box Location:
5. Location of Answers:
a. Screen location of text:
Answer - Button 1:
Answer - Button 2:
Answer - Button 3:
6. Question 1:
a. Question Text: What power of 10 is ten million?
b. Answers:
Button 1: 10
Button 2: 7
Button 3: 6
c. Correct Answer: 7
d. Correct Feedback Dialog Box:
Text: Correct! The power equals the number of zeroes after 1 for positive powers.
e. If clicks a wrong button (first mouseDown) then: Can answer wrong 3 times.
Text - Wrong Feedback Dialog Box (first wrong answer):
Sorry, that answer is incorrect. Try again, review, or continue?
f. If clicks other wrong button (second mouseDown) then:
Text - Wrong Feedback Dialog Box (second wrong answer):
Sorry, that answer is incorrect. Try again, review, or continue?
g. If clicks other wrong button (third mouseDown) then:
Text - Wrong Feedback Dialog Box (third wrong answer):
For positive powers, power equals the number of zeroes after the 1.
Answer button disabled.
7. Display of Next Question: Next question automatically appears after feedback.
Screen Thirteen
Screen |
Title |
Video |
Multiple Choice Questions
a b c |
Screen Thirteen Display
1. Screen Background: White
2. Screen Banner Title:
a. Title: Quiz
3. Digital Movie:
File Name: "Powersof10.mov"
from 1 minute 41 seconds frame 8
to 1 minute 48 seconds frame 8
b. Length of Movie File: 7 seconds 0 frames
c. Screen Location: 64, 30
4. Multiple Choice Question box:
a. Screen Location of multiple choice question box: 384, 30
b. Title of Question Box: Question 2
c. Text Box Frame: yes
5. Question 2:
a. Question Text: How many zeroes are there in 100?
c. Correct Answer: 0 or zero
d. Correct Feedback Dialog Box:
Text: Correct! All numbers to the zeroth power equal 1.
e. If clicks a wrong button (first mouseDown) then:
Text - Wrong Feedback Dialog Box (first wrong answer):
That answer is not correct. Play the video for the correct answer.
Title for video segment: Journey - Part 6
6. Completion of Multiple Choice Questions: Video segment automatically plays after right or wrong answer with feedback text.
Screen Fourteen
Screen Title |
Text |
Multiple Choice Question |
Screen Fourteen Display
1. Screen Background: White
2. Screen Banner Title:
a. Title: Negative Powers
3. Text Box:
a. Screen Location: 160, 30
b. State text: Powers of 10 can use minus signs. 10-1 is 1/101. 10-4 is 1/104.
Screen Fifteen
Screen |
Title |
Video |
Screen Fifteen Display
1. Screen Background: Black
2. Screen Banner Title:
a. Title: Journey - Part 7
3. Text Box:
a. Screen Location: 384, 30
b. State text: We now take our journey through the powers of 10 from a human hand into cellular space.
4. Digital Movie:
File Name: "Powerof10.cp"
from 1 minute 54 seconds frame 0
to 2 minutes -- seconds frame --
b. Length of Movie File: -- seconds -- frames
c. Screen Location: 64, 30
Screen Sixteen
Screen Sixteen Display
1. Screen Background: White
2. Screen Banner Title:
a. Title: DNA
[note: this picture is linked to this file because it is too large to save in the file. It may not appear correctly due to MAC to PC automatic renaming of files]
[8/2000. To view this picture of DNA, you need to have Apple QuickTime installed. Right-click on the blank picture. Select "view image". Use the back button on your browser to return.]
a. File Name: "dna.pic"
b. Screen location: 64, 120
c. File Size: 369k
4. Digital Movie:
File Name: "powersof10.mp"
from 2 minutes 9 seconds frame 0
to 2 minutes 19 seconds frame 32
b. Length of Movie File: 10 seconds 32 frames
c. Screen Location: 384, 30
5. Question box:
a. Screen Location of multiple choice question box: 320, 240
b. Title of Question Box: Question 3
c. Text Box Frame: yes
6. Answer Buttons:
a. Screen location of:
Answer Button 1:
Answer Button 2:
Answer Button 3:
b. States and File Names: (List states needed, such as enabled, down, disabled and graphic file name.)
Answer Button 1:
Answer Button 2:
Answer Button 3:
c. Correct Answer Button - on Mouse Down: (Describe what happens when user clicks the correct button. List audio file and change of states.)
d. Correct Dialog box: (Describe the appearance and location of dialog box, if the same for all questions.)
Dialog Box Location:
e. Incorrect Button - on Mouse Down: (Describe what happens when user clicks the incorrect button. List audio file and change of states.)
f. Incorrect Dialog box: (Describe the appearance and location of dialog box, if the same for all questions.)
Dialog Box Location:
7. Question 3:
a. Question Text: What is the width of the DNA strand, expressed in powers of 10?
b. Answers: (State the three answers for the question.)
Button 1: 10-6
Button 2: 10-7
Button 3: 10-8
c. Correct Answer: 10-8 meters
d. Correct Feedback Dialog Box:
Text: Correct!
e. If clicks a wrong button (first mouseDown) then:
Text - Wrong Feedback Dialog Box (first wrong answer): DNA strands are even smaller than you thought.
8. Completion of Multiple Choice Questions: Video segment automatically plays after right or wrong answer with feedback text.
Clickable: An object that is active when the user clicks on it.
Disabled: State where a clickable object is on the screen but it is not active.
Enabled: State where a clickable object is active.
MouseDown: Condition where user clicks the mouse button.
MouseUp: Condition where user lets the mouse button up.
Rollover State: State where cursor moves over an object on the screen and feedback is provided. For example, when the user moves the mouse over a button, the cursor changes to a hand and a text description appears under the button.